Transvaal, South Africa, Landing
Transvaal, South Africa

UFO lands to repair hole in its hull (Transvaal, South Africa)

On March 30, 1995,  a local farmer from Groot Marico in the western Transvaal plains region first observed the saucer-shaped object on Thursday morning, he noticed that it had a distinctly visible hole in its hull. The farmer, Mr. Jan Pienaar (45), is of the opinion that this "vehicle" landed on a remote country road between Coligny and Brakspruit to have its damaged hull repaired. However, his arrival probably prompted the "vehicle's" hasty retreat and rapid ascent into the sky.

Sighting Details

Visual Confirmation:


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UFO Landing with Two Tall Beings
Quarouble, France
On 10 September 1954, a young metalworker named Marius Dewilde (1921–1996) stepped outside the abandoned railway station house he occupied in Quarouble, France, and encountered an alien world.

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“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”
– Arthur C. Clarke

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