Major R Sabinski Fires on Foo Fighter

In June 1942, Major Raymond Sabinski was over Zuiderzee in The Netherlands, after returning from a bombing mission, his rear gunner spotted an air craft approaching from the rear. At first they thought this was maybe a German fighter plane, equipped with a search light.

The rear gunner was told to give him a 'blast' if he starts getting to close.

The object started moving closer, at around 200 yards the object was the size of at-least a full moon.

As we opened fired on the object, the tracers seemed to enter the object and that was it, this lasted for about 2mins.

The object then changed position to the planes port side. The rare gunner was told to fire on the object again but this had no affect.

The object then took off at a 45 degree angle and disappeared into the night sky.

Sighting Details

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Additional Details

Date of Incident: 1944
Location: Holland

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