Policeman Alan Godfrey UFO
Todmorden, West Yorkshire

Alan Godfrey is a former policeman from Todmorden in West Yorkshire, who has claimed to have been abducted by aliens, whilst on duty.

When a policeman he had an incident when was physically injured in a scuffle, affecting his ability to father children. He was told by doctors that he was infertile, however he was later to father children. It is not known how this occurred, to confound his doctor.

Zigmund Adamski
On 11 June 1980, he was called to an investigation at J.W.Parker's coal yard at Todmorden next to the railway with Malcolm Agley. The body of 57 year old Zigmund Adamski, from Tingley, had been discovered on a high pile of coal. Adamski had gone missing five days earlier. It is unclear why he died or left in that place, and a kidnap has been suggested as a possible, though unlikely cause.

Alleged abduction
In the early morning of 29 November 1980, he was driving his police car whilst investigating and alleged disappearance of cattle in Ashenhurst. These cattle were mysteriously found later in the morning after dawn, in completely different location (a muddy field) with no sign of hoof marks indicating their movement.

Unidentified flying object
At around 5am he decided to give up on the cattle investigation and go back to his base to finish his shift. As he was driving he noticed a large object in his path, which he initially thought was a bus. As he approached it, he noticed it was an oval shape hovering directly above the road in front of him. The top half of the object was stationary and the bottom half was rotating. The bushes on the side of the road (Burnley Road) were shaking as though windswept, although the object made no noise. He stopped the car and, using a notepad he had for reporting car accidents, he began to draw the rotating oval shaped object. He tried to radio his police station but both his radios would not work. He made a brief sketch but was interrupted by a sharp burst of powerful light. The next thing he knew, he was continuing to drive along Burnley Road in his car. There was no sign of the oval shaped object. He turned the car round and drove back to the point where he thought the object had been hovering. The road was wet, as it had been raining, except for a spherical area which was dry: directly beneath the point where he claimed UFO had been seen.

Unexplained time difference
When he got back to Todmorden police station, he realised, by simple calculation, that he got there 30-35 minutes later than he would have expected, allowing for distance of the journey.

Other witnesses
He was not previously interested in unexplained phenomena, and as a result initially decided not to tell anyone about what he had seen in case he would feel ridiculous, or a practical joker. However there had been another sighting of a strange brilliant white object around the same time on Burnley Road a bit further away at Cliviger. The driver had informed the police. In the Calder Valley moors, three policemen - John Porter (of the dog section) and PCs Turnberry (of Ovenden police) and Baxter (of Halifax police) - had also noticed a brilliant blue-white glow descending towards Todmorden (towards the west) at 0449, around the same time whilst in a pub car park in Littleborough.
He now felt he would not feel so ridiculous and made an official report of what he had seen. The police told the local newspaper the following week and as a result, he was investigated by a Manchester UFO organization (Jenny Randles).

Abduction investigation
It was discovered that during the disappearance of time, the sole on one of his police boots mysteriously split completely, as though he had been dragged and the sole had caught on an object. His foot at that position was also physically marked.

Hypnotic regression
Eight months after the incident he was hypnotically regressed by two psychiatrists would were not told of what the investigation was about, only of the time of the incident. In hypnosis he said that the white light had stopped the car engine and his police radio became ineffective by static. He then lost consciousness. He then awoke in a room. In the room was a large black dog. He was investigated by a humanoid with a large beard, who telepathically conveyed his name as 'Yosef'. Small robots assisted the examination. He was told that he knew 'Yosef' and that there would be a later encounter.

Sighting Details

Physical Traces:
Humanoid Sighting:
Visual Confirmation:


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Additional Details

Location: Todmorden, West Yorkshire

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“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”
– Arthur C. Clarke

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